A taste of the Inaugural Edition

During Copenhagen Cooking’24 we gathered crucial roles for transforming the cities food environments. The goal was to envision in order to create a system that is socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable. Our event was a 2.5-hour meal experience where participants were transported 10 years into the future to a local food council in session. In this scenario, the local community manages the food system, shifting production from large factories to social production spaces. Food takes on a new role in people’s lives and in the structure of our cities and societies.

What about food environments?

The definition of framework
To define Food Environments we turn to Turner et al., who in Global Food Security (2018) presents the following framework: The food environment is the interface that mediates people’s food acquisition and consumption within the wider food system. It encompasses external dimensions such as the availability, prices, vendor and product properties, and promotional information; and personal dimensions such as the accessibility, affordability, convenience and desirability of food sources and products.
Food system transformation
The report "The State of Food and Agriculture 2024" from FAO emphasizes how we drive the transformation of food systems through our food environments. The report proposes measures such as designing social safety nets to support transformation, and to ensure that all consumers, especially those unable to afford a healthy diet, have the opportunity to positively influence food systems. The influence of local food systems needs a partipatory space such as food councils, ultimately driving a broader transformation.
Positive local food systems
The article "Transformative action towards regenerative food systems: A large-scale case study" explores how to transition current food systems into regenerative and sustainable models. It highlights the importance food environments in promoting sustainable choices. Achieving this requires systemic change involving forums for every sort of stakeholders, along with policies that support sustainable food environments. The article emphasizes a holistic approach where peoples demand and food environments drive the shift toward sustainability.

It's all about people and places

Around the world, communities are planting the seeds for social food environments. Let us take you
on a journey to explore these inspiring places as signals of change. Take a look at these snapshots!

Bring the local food
council to your place!

Looking to spark change in your community? Our interactive installation—featuring portable fabric walls (6×6 meters)—brings an immersive experience to your event. Enjoy a curated four-course meal intertwined with participatory tasks that transport you to a preferred future, 10 years from now. We provide the space, chefs, and participants—or we can simply facilitate and co-create the experience with you.
Gather key people and organizations for an engaging food experience that inspires meaningful conversations. With dedicated time and space to address urgent topics in your local food environment, this event helps lay the groundwork for a shared future.

Behind the

The installation is a collaborative creation by designer Johan Hjerpe, Olga Grönvall Lund (founder of Reformaten), and architects Boysdon’tcry AB. Our work was made possible through the support of Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency.