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A movement for a positive global food system that makes it easy to eat right!

Reformaten is a non-partisan and non-religious association with the aim of accelerating a research-based transformation of the food system - for human and planetary health. We look at the food system from a holistic perspective; from production to consumption with a focus on the environmental and social aspects.

By mobilizing actors who work directly and indirectly with the food system, we create a common platform for political pressure. We strive to increase public engagement and form a broad opinion that supports the urgent reform.

We are constantly on the move and always on the go. Follow the journey through our channels on Facebook and Instagram.

Reformaten’s 4 pillars

  1. Organization: Reformaten (Reform Food) will become an umbrella organization for making demands on sustainable food systems and the bridge between research, farmers, citizens, business and politicians. We gather experts, organizations, actors, passionate people, volunteers, communication professionals and more.

  2. Campaigns: Reformaten runs public education campaigns that include petitions to demand that leaders, decision-makers and politicians act urgently and implement research-based instruments for sustainable and healthy food consumption and production in line with Agenda 2030.

  1. Conferences: Once every quarter, we hold conferences we call Matprat (Swedish for food chat). These are free, live streamed events where we discuss the different aspects of food and food systems. We aim to develop these events into open, creative and fun gatherings that welcome everyone and show that change is something we can achieve together.

  2. Urban kitchens: We aim to create local hubs that showcase the resilient food system of the future – urban kitchens that combine social, ecological and economic sustainability. This is a concept that can be applied in both Sweden’s most challenging food environments and internationally, adapted to local needs and conditions. Urban kitchens are a concrete way to demonstrate the role of food in transitioning to a more sustainable world in line with Agenda 2030. We’re looking for sponsors – get in touch at

Food Chats at Trädgården in Stockholm

For 7 Fridays in May and June, Reformaten held Matprat food chats together with a panel of experts and food enthusiasts at Trädgården, an ultra-popular night club and vegan restaurant in Stockholm. Each week, we focused on a different raw material  – both on our plates and in the conversation – twisting and turning the various ingredients to learn more. We look forward to more inspiring food chats in the future!



Olga gästar Johannes Cullbergs podd "Vägen Mot Paradiset"

“I veckans episod träffar jag Olga Grönvall Lund som är grundare av Reformaten, en ideell förening som vill lyfta upp och påskynda debatten om omställningen av matsystemet. Man vill göra omställningen attraktiv, god och rolig – vilket den kan vara om den serveras rätt. Reformaten har bara 1,5 år på nacken som ideell förening men har åstadkommit mycket under sin första levnadstid vilket ni kommer höra mer om i dag.”

Olga nominerad till WWF-priset Årets miljöhjälte

Olga nominated for WWF Environmental Hero of the Year award

Climate researchers, pioneers for sustainable food, bird guardians and pre-schools – this year, 6 candidates are competing to become named Environmental Hero of the Year by the World Wildlife Fund. The 2 winners will receive a certificate from King Karl XVI Gustaf and WWF on October 22 at Ulriksdals Castle in Solna. Olga Gronvall Lund is one of the nominees.


Reformaten TT

Olga was interviewed by TT and now the news is spreading. According to Gronvall Lund, urgent political reform bills are critical in establishing a positive global food system. She is calling for revision of policies related to food and the food system in line with Agenda 2023, the public health goals as well as the national climate goals.

Read the article in Aftonbladet, SVD, DI, Sydsvenskan, MSN, Borås Tidning, Skånska Dagbladet, Syre


Reformaten in the White Guide

White guide writes about conference #5 that we held at PM & Vanner in Vaxjo.


Reformaten In "Mitt i Stockholm"

The team behind Tradgarden is doing a totally different thing under the bridges at Skanstull during the summer 2021. The prolific foodie Olga Gronwall Lund from Reformaten says “We want to prove that the grass is greener on the other side “ when stepping in to create Mellangarden together with Johanna Schneider.



The Jarvaweek live. 100 hours to celebrate 100 years of democracy- Live from a studio in Rinkeby streamed all over Sweden. 2021 was the year when Sweden’s most prolific democracy week became national in its reach and engaged more people than ever before. Four presenters, more than 300 guests and in excess of 200 elements.

Olga Grönvall Lund

She will not let the food silence her mouth

Olga Gronvall Lund believes the road to change the world is through our stomachs. Through her opinion forming popular movement Reformaten wants to raise the food and climate issue to the top of political agenda, “The thing about putting the responsibility on the individual really has got to stop.”

Olga i svt morgonstudio

I Greta Thunbergs spår: Fler unga rörelser växer fram

Olga Grönvall Lund och Anna Richert, senior matexpert på WWF, i SVT Morgonstudion om varför matfrågan måste uppmärksammas

Olga på Tidningen Mat & Klimat

Tidningen Mat & Klimat: De kampanjar för ett nytt matsystem - “akut läge”

Reformaten är namnet på en ny folkrörelse vars mål är att skapa ett nytt och hållbart matsystem som sätter människans hälsa och miljön i fokus - ett slags “Fossilfritt Sverige” fast för matfrågan, berättar Olga Grönvall Lund.

 Margarinet podcast

Margarinet - en matpodd med Siri och Frida

Det stora reformatavsnittet: Frida och Siri pratar om reformaten och belyser återigen varför det är viktigt att vi börjar äta mer ekologiskt.

Olga utanför McDonald's

“Det är jävligt bråttom”

“Det matsystem vi har idag leder oss in i en framtid där vi tyvärr kommer ha svårt att överleva”. Det säger eldsjälen Olga Grönvall Lund, som jobbar stenhårt för bättre mat. Hon ligger bakom en konferens som på torsdag livestreamas från Trädgården i Stockholm, med fullt fokus på att skapa ett matsystem som gynnar både planetens och människans hälsa.

Food Pharmacy-podden #163 - Reformaten

Olga gästar Food Pharmacy-podden

Olga Grönvall Lund startade Reformaten 2019, efter att ha bevittnat vilken mat som serverades på sjukhuset när hennes pappa insjuknade i cancer. Hon kände att va sjutton, nåt måste hända. Det globala matsystemet måste reformeras! Tryck på play och låt dig dras med i Olgas högenergi!

Two people sitting outside, watching the sunset

We need to talk about food

Active food system transformation - Olga Grönvall Lund guests the podcast *Inside Ideas with Marc Buckley*
Podd och video.

Olga Grönvall Lund på kontor

MenuB med en kort biografi om Olga

Olga Grönvall Lund is a Swedish entrepreneur who has worked with food-related projects her whole professional career. She has mainly been active in Stockholm and Berlin but has also hosted events, catered, and done productions in other parts of the world such as Hong Kong, London, Bologna, Copenhagen and Paris to name a few.

Olga Grönvall Lund

Olga Grönvall Lund: “Det måste bli lätt att äta rätt”

Olga Grönvall Lund skriver om den stora globala matkrisen på Klimatriksdagens hemsida.

Häng med i Sveriges första folkrörelse för mat.

Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev!