The food environment is the social and physical environment we live and work in. Our food environment affects our view of food, but also what is available and what we ultimately eat.
Through our Food Barometer, we know that some political parties do not want to do enough to make it easy to eat right, even though research calls for political instruments.
”Well-informed consumers” make good choices. But who can make these good choices? We want to be called eaters instead, and the city lacks the conditions for eating right.
Together with all of Stockholm's food environment heroes, we have come up with nine proposals for the city. It is about shared underground cellars and regulation of advertising, but also about a vision for the Stockholm of the future and what has already been done in other places.
Together we are a force to be reckoned with.
We see what needs to change in the food environment.
We know what measures are missing in the city.
Our policies must affect the entire EU's Green Give
Reformaten är stolt lokal partner i ett konsortium bestående av 22 Europeiska organisationer, universitet och forskningsinstitut. Tillsammans utgör vi Shared Green Deal, och vi arbetar för att påskynda den hållbara omställningen av hela EU. Genom vårt projekt om Matmiljön i Stockholm lyfter Reformaten fram goda exempel från Sverige inom området Matmiljö, som en del av den gröna givens Jord till bord-strategi.